Dukan Diet Plan – Week 9

Dukan Diet Progress Report

Hi everyone, here is my progress on the Dukan Diet this week

On Monday 29th. November I weighed 93.5 kg. That is 0.5 kg less than last week. Overall, I have lost 14.5 kg since starting the Dukan Diet.

Ok, so I am disappointed again, just like I was last week. I did get some exercise this week some walking and, on Saturday, a lengthy hike.

As Jenny said, at least I am not putting on any weight and I still get gasps and wows from people who haven’t seen me recently – even from people who saw me only a month ago so I know something is working!

I had very few food transgressions away from the Dukan Diet this week. I have noticed, though, that I am having a glass of wine or a glass of ouzo a little more frequently. This seems to have ‘slipped itself in’ to my evenings. I am now making a conscious effort to avoid alcohol. I feel that its good to give the old liver a good rest after years of bashing it with beer & wine anyway and there is really no need to be drinking every night.

I guess more exercise and no booze will both help the process along. I am toying with adding a couple of extra P days this week. Today I am on a P day and I may do another one tomorrow and then do a PV day on Thursday and do 2 P days after that. Just to get the thing jump-started again. Whether I have the will to do it is another matter as I really enjoy the Dukan Diet PV days 🙂

I put a recipe (well not really a recipe, more an ‘idea’) on the main Dukan Diet page of this site. dukan diet I eat a lot of these spicy tuna wraps and they are good for P days as well as PV days. You can read it here: Dukan Diet Recipe – Spicy Tuna Wrap

Here are some photos of the boys & I making our way down from the village of Anidri, through the gorge and along the coat track back to town last Saturday. This was the bigger hike of the week (not that far but, hey!).

dukan diet anidri gorgedukan diet anidri gorge 2dukan diet anidri gorge 3

So, call back in here or add the rss feed from this blog to find out how I get on this week on the Dukan Diet.

Until then,

Stay happy & healthy and bravo all of you who are trucking along with the Dukan Diet yourselves, how about writing a comment or two about your progress?

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2 Responses to Dukan Diet Plan – Week 9

  1. Pingback: Just updated my personal Dukan Diet blog… « barryrodgers

  2. This was a very informative article describing the dukan diet.
    They have really been advertising the dukan diet in my area with tv ads. I’m just curious how this will take off in April when the new book comes out.

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